Thursday, February 02, 2006


Today one of our own -- a kind, intelligent, lovely, talented knitter -- goes under the knife. Rachael has cervical cancer. She is only 30 years old, but will have a hysterectomy today. She has no children, and while she has been a bit amibiguous about whether having children was a personal goal, the sad fact is that the choice will be taken away from her now.

Rachael describes herself as an ethical humanist and doesn't follow a particular creed. Personally, I'm not sure what I would describe myself as: an ethical humanist? an agnostic? a pagan? Whatever the case may be, I don't think creed or dogma should play any role in what I'm requesting here.

I have a simple request for everyone I connect with today:

If you pray, please pray for Rachael today.

If you meditate, please spend a few moments meditating on Rachael today.

If you don't do any of these things, please stop for a minute and think about Rachael today.

Rachael can use all the positive, healing energy we can send her way today.

And in the coming weeks, please think about including Rachael in your daily reflections/thoughts/prayers.


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