Monday, March 20, 2006

March Madness

No, this has nothing to do with NCAA basketball, so if that's what you're expecting just move along. Although this phrase has traditionally been used for the basketball play-offs that happen at this time of year, seeing as it's being used in car commercials and even craft advertisements (I'm sure I saw an email from about some sale titled March Madness) then I can use it for a non-sports related purpose, too.

Incidentally when I exclaimed to Mark on Friday night that I was sick of hearing "March Madness this and March Madness that" he revealed that he hadn't a clue as to what March Madness means. Really. He thought that since spring starts in March, it has something to do with ancient Celtic spring rituals or something. (You know, it's really nice when your husband of 8+ years can still make you laugh.)

So, I feel I have permission to just take the term and run with it. March Madness has manifested itself in me this way:

Sock yarn hanging

That is what is left of the sock I was so diligently working on here. Yes, I frogged it completely because it just wasn't working out. This was my first toe up sock and while I learned quite a bit, wearing a "learning experience" isn't always pleasant.Sock before frogging Above is the sock before I ripped it out. (Notice the fortifying glass of red wine at hand?) The foot part looks weirdly skinny and elongated, doesn't it? I'm not sure exactly why. I was using size 0 Addi Turbos on the sole and size 1 Addi Turbos on the instep so that could have contributed to the shaping issue, but I've done that before on a top down sock and not had it work out so deformed.

I had to make the foot very long so there was less straining of the stitches at the short row heel turn, so I think that may be the main reason the foot is so oddly shaped. Regardless of all these efforts, I decided there was still too much straining of the stitches at the heel, and that sock was a bit too snug. I've already re-started the pattern. This time, I'm sticking with size 1 (2.5 mm) Addis for both the sole and the instep.

While I was at it, I also decided to do something about the Katrina Rib sweater that has been languishing for the past 2 months.Katrina Rib sweater
Following the pattern instructions diligently will result in a cap sleeve, but I had decided to make 3/4 sleeves. Except, after trying it on several times and realizing how it over-emphasises my ample bosom, I've decided instead to do this with it:Frogged yarn Yep, I ripped that baby out.

I seem to be really inspired by destruction right now. (I've also contemplated frogging a sweater I made for Mark last year that is not quite right somehow.) Perhaps Melpomene is my current muse?

While I was ripping out the sweater, though, the thought "I am Kali the Destroyer" just kept running through my head. I think this tendency towards controlled destruction is an indication of spring. Very soon, I will be out in my garden, cutting back last year's dead growth that I left standing through the winter. I'll turn over soil and the winter cover crop of rye in my veggie bed and plant cool season veggies (peas, greens, beets, etc.)

Maybe Mark was on to something after all with his comments about March Madness...hmm...

Happy Spring!

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